• Exposition du 26 au 30 octobre au centre artistique IMPULSE 

     16 rue du centre, 05000 Gap


    1 commentaire
  • You can participate to "sicko" the project and new movie of Michael Moore bye posting videos if you were victim of the health care system in the USA, on youtube's sicko page copy and paste the adress below to see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEFoq_5RbC4&feature=dir Go there too, just to see new videos of sicko too, and the announced of Michael Moore about his project. and go there to see the trailer of Sicko (copy and paste) http://pdl.stream.aol.com/aol/us/moviefone/movies/2007/sicko_026778/sicko_trlr_01_700_dl.mov

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  • goes to michael moore website it talk about is new film sicko: http://www.michaelmoore.com/

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  • Its a song of Neil Young : Let's Impeach The President Destituons (attaquons) le président Let's impeach the president for lying And leading our country into war Abusing all the power that we gave him And shipping all our money out the door He's the man who hired all the criminals The White House shadows who hide behind closed doors And bend the facts to fit with their new stories Of why we have to send our men to war Let's impeach the president for spying On citizens inside their own homes Breaking every law in the country By tapping our computers and telephones What if Al Qaeda blew up the levees Would New Orleans have been safer that way Sheltered by our government's protection Or was someone just not home that day? Let's impeach the president For hijacking our religion and using it to get elected Dividing our country into colors And still leaving black people neglected Thank god he's cracking down on steroids Since he sold his old baseball team There's lot of people looking at big trouble But of course the president is clean Thank God thanks Neil for writing the truth...Cause truth actually , I don't know where it is except in music...

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  • Go to see this exhibition which is amazing !!!

    Talented young Tabaimo creates animated works that are as beautifully
    crafted and aesthetically appealing as they are enigmatic, fascinating,
    and often quite disturbing. Not content to simply construct beautiful
    or intriguing images, she clearly aims to offer a complex and
    pessimistic vision of Japanese society at the start of the new




    Allez voir l'exposition de Tabaimo à la fondation Cartier 


    Jeune artiste japonaise rompant avec le folklore manga habituel, Ayako Tabata, devenue Tabaimo,
    est remarquée en 1999 où elle reçoit le Kirin Contemporary Award.
    Tabaimo est révélée grâce à son oeuvre 'Japanese Kitchen', dans
    laquelle elle dénonce les problèmes socio-économiques du Japon
    au moyen de films d'animation combinant l'aspect artisanal des estampes
    japonaises à la technologie sophistiquée de l'ordinateur. A partir de
    2002, elle expose ses tableaux dans le monde entier : d'un chromatisme
    loin des pastels japonais habituels, Tabaimo
    utilise les couleurs chaudes, simplifiant au maximum le tracé de ses
    dessins. Fantastique et humour ne sont pas exclus de son art : dans une
    rame de métro, elle imagine une dame qui s'envole, une écolière qui se
    transforme en sushi, tout en glissant une touche poétique - le visiteur
    est par exemple invité à s'allonger dans une tente pour écouter la
    mer... De Bruxelles à New York, on se presse pour voir les oeuvres de Tabaimo, qui enseigne aussi à l'université d'art et de design de Tokyo tout en faisant part au public de sa vision du monde.


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